
Louise ‘purchasing’ for brand new insurance coverage | Information

Louise ISD trustees are near a last choice on new dyslexia screening supplies after a Monday evening dialogue.

The board can also be available in the market for brand new scholar accident insurance coverage within the roughly three-hour session.

“We’re searching for different carriers, looking for good costs,” Superintendent Garth Oliver stated.

Trustees determined in opposition to making use of for a dyslexia screening waiver, and as a substitute are within the last steps on deciding which screening supplies to buy.

At present, the coverage is to check any seventh grade scholar that failed their sixth grade studying STAAR check for, amongst different issues, dyslexia.

A funds modification was unanimously accredited that offset $30,000 spent for upkeep and safety.

After a closed session, the board unanimously accredited persevering with licensed worker contracts as introduced by the superintendent.

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