Home Insurance Hey Mendocino County, how fast is your internet? • The Mendocino Voice | Mendocino County, CAThe Mendocino Voice

Hey Mendocino County, how fast is your internet? • The Mendocino Voice | Mendocino County, CAThe Mendocino Voice

Hey Mendocino County, how fast is your internet? • The Mendocino Voice | Mendocino County, CAThe Mendocino Voice


MENDOCINO Co., 9/11/21 — Mendocino County is launching a county-wide test to gather information about internet speeds in different locations in order to better plan future broadband and communications infrastructure initiatives. To help county officials gather data, residents are invited to take the internet speed test at this linkhttps://www.mendocinocounty.org/s

Here’s the announcement from the county:

Mendocino County is pleased to announce our Broadband Speed-Test Initiative. This initiative allows community members to test their current home internet speeds and the crowd-sourced data helps the County pursue funding to deploy better infrastructure and services in historically unserved and underserved areas. 

This initiative will provide quality data of internet access countywide, with intentional focus on documenting unserved and underserved addresses, or regions where service is non-existent. Current broadband availability data, which is self-reported by providers, is often inaccurate and results in flawed service claims. This speed test accurately reports internet speeds at a granular household level, allowing residents to verify their own service availability, without compromising personal information.

To enhance Mendocino County’s grant opportunities for infrastructure funding and other means to improve internet access for all our communities, we need to document the actual level of broadband availability. Using this Crowd-Sourced Speed-Test, we get the granular neighborhood data needed to help realize more than six years of planning.

Everyone in Mendocino County is invited to test their internet speeds, and together we can help close the Digital Divide in Mendocino County. Learn more and take the test today at https://www.mendocinocounty.org/speedtest.


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