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One Man’s Fitness Trip | Entertainment

One Man’s Fitness Trip | Entertainment


Six years ago, Paul Rosefeld realized that he had to make a higher level of commitment to his exercise and diet. He faced health problems and weighed the heaviest at 250 pounds.

“It started where I always went to the gym and exercised, but I wasn’t all-it was half-hearted,” he said.

Rosefeld, who lives in East Coventry, did not pay as much attention to lifestyle practices outside the gym as he did when he was in the gym. He said he felt like he wasn’t living in harmony.

“I didn’t take a walk,” he said. “I wasn’t eating properly, and I’ve always been misunderstood that you can get rid of the bad diet you can’t.”

Retired psychologist Rosefeld, 72, loves mountaineering, scuba diving, hiking and cycling when he’s not exercising in the gym, but sometimes he can’t escape anymore. I noticed it in my mid-60s. So he saw some of his lifestyle habits and began adjusting as he took a nutrition course.

He went deeper three years ago because the course focused on weight loss and felt out of sync with changes in the overall lifestyle.

“If I really wanted to make a change, that meant I had to give up part of my old lifestyle,” he said, a weekend ritual he dropped. I gave an example of. “After a big hike, we went to the bar for a few hours, and I stopped it.”

More recently, you can find rose felt five days a week at Final Results Fitness in Montgomery County. His regimen includes three HIRT (High Intensity Resistance Training) personal training sessions, two Yin Yoga classes, occasional sprint classes, and a weekly road bike. Every weekend includes a hike with a hiking group.

“Today was my 584th session with him. He pushed me to the limit in almost every session and there was no slack day,” said Johnwood, his personal trainer who is also the co-owner of the final. Rosefeld said, referring to. Results with his wife, Jen.

Rosefeld calls Jen and John Wood his life coaches. It’s not uncommon for them to spend another 30 minutes talking about nutrition and general life after their 30-minute session, as John helped him plan a healthy diet. Jen gives him what he calls the “Jenny’s Nuggets.” This is the spiritual message she shares in her yoga class.

In the last three years, Rosefelt has lost 70 pounds and has been able to maintain a weight of 163-166 for over a year. His weight loss occurred over a period of two to three years.

“You want to slow it down,” he said. “You didn’t put that weight overnight and you won’t lose it overnight.”

Rosefelt’s approach to the diet goes beyond what he eats. To take responsibility for himself, he weighs three times a week during training sessions and writes down everything he eats in his notebook.

Rosefelt is hydrated with 1 gallon of water daily and sticks to a diet of flora and fauna, including eggs, chicken, fish, nuts and plenty of vegetables. He eats low-sodium foods, minimal fruits, and avoids inflammatory and processed foods.

He allows himself to indulge in a little on holidays and sometimes has treats on weekends. The important thing is that he always returns to the wagon and does not allow a rare splash to take him into a downward spiral.

“I don’t want that monster inside me to wake up when I was 250,” he said, adding that holidays make him nervous. “I’m on top of it because it scares me.”

Rosefeld said he usually left Jim euphorically and shared new ways in which lifestyle changes had a positive impact on his life.

“The more I did, the more I thought,’Wow, I feel better,’” he said. “Now I can honestly say that most of the time I feel better than ever in my life. I feel great and never felt strong.”

His friends and family are paying attention.

“My friends always say it,’you look great’, and my family and kids say it,” he said.

Another aspect of his metamorphosis is how his training plans and lifestyle changes helped address the anxiety and depression associated with his wife Dotty, who suffers from dementia and lives in a nursing home. It was included that I saw.

“Of course, I found that exercising myself and taking care of myself was the best countermeasure,” he said. “There is no drug comparable to that high endorphin. By knowing that my wife will die someday, highs from workouts will overcome any depression.”

Before his wife’s dementia, Rosefeld always felt strong, but since he was admitted to a nursing home, he has begun to realize his abilities.

“I showed myself what I didn’t realize I had,” he said. “It made me a better person.”

The father of two grown-up children, three grandfathers, and two in the middle, Rosefeld, want to engage with them, not bystanders.

“I want you to hike the mountains and canoe,” he said.

Rosefeld continues to speak on a daily basis and acknowledges how lifestyle changes have helped him navigate the curve ball of life.

“You keep being knocked down, but you get up,” he said. “Workouts give you the fighter’s instinct.”

Rose felt is a living proof that you can be your best self at any age.

“There is no point in waiting,” he said.

Today, Rosefelt lives in a harmonious state that was previously lacking.

“This isn’t just about getting your body on track,” he said. “It’s a connection of mind, body, and spirit.”


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