Home Insurance Pa. Attorney Says PNC Misled Him On PPP Loan Forgiveness

Pa. Attorney Says PNC Misled Him On PPP Loan Forgiveness

Pa. Attorney Says PNC Misled Him On PPP Loan Forgiveness


By Katryna Perera (September 10, 2021, 3:53 PM EDT) — A Pittsburgh-area attorney filed an amended complaint against PNC Bank on Thursday in Pennsylvania federal court, claiming the bank misled him over the amount of loan forgiveness he would receive for his Paycheck Protection Program loan.

Plaintiff Dean Falavolito is the sole proprietor of Dean Law LLC. According to the complaint, in April 2020, he applied for a PPP loan and was told by PNC that he could receive approximately $17,500.

He claims that throughout the entire loan application and disbursement process, PNC provided “all assurances that the entire loan amount would be forgiven.”

The U.S. government installed the Payroll Protection…

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