3 canine killed throughout potential house invasion in Los Angeles


Three canine killed throughout a potential house invasion in Solar Valley Wednesday afternoon.

Authorities responded to the 9200 block of Telfair Avenue round 3:40 p.m. for a potential house invasion, based on the Los Angeles Police Division.

A person was within the yard when two canine attacked him. One of many canine was killed through the assault, police mentioned with out elaborating.

Aerial video from the scene confirmed police within the yard close to a pool. Blood may very well be seen on the bottom whereas a dull black canine was seen in close by grass, the video confirmed.

Two different canine that seemed to be useless have been additionally have been seen within the space.

The person was described as being in his 40s with a black beard who was carrying glasses, a inexperienced shirt and blue pants.

KTLA’s Sam Bader contributed to this story. Examine again for updates.

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