Burke | Authorized Bulletins | hickoryrecord.com


NORTH CAROLINA, BURKE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS File No: 2022 E 000219 Having certified as Executor of the Property of Shirley Wilson Vanhorn, Shirley Wilson Van Horn, Shirley Ann Vanhorn, deceased, that is to inform all individuals, companies and firms having claims towards the stated decedent to exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or earlier than the thirteenth day of June, 2022, or this discover will probably be pleaded in bar of their restoration. All individuals, companies and firms indebted to stated property are notified to make fast fee. This the thirteenth day of March, 2022. Vanessa King, Executor 138 NE thirty first St Oak Island, NC 28465 Publish: March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 2022.

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