The Board further announces that each of Mr. Huang Liang and Ms. Lu Bing has been appointed as the vice president of the Company to be responsible for the operation of automobile brand with effect from 9 September 2021 (after trading hours). Their biographical details are set out below:
Mr. Huang Liang, aged 39, is currently an assistant to the president of the Company. From January 2006 to November 2020, he successively served as the deputy general
manager and general manager of Xiamen Guomao Automobile City Development Co., Ltd.* (廈門國貿美車城發展有限公司), general manager of Xiamen Guomao Dongben
Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.* (廈門國貿東本汽車銷售服務有限公司) and deputy general manager of Xiamen Xindeco ITG Automobile Group Co., Ltd.* (廈門信達國貿 汽車集團股份有限公司). In 2004, Mr. Huang Liang obtained a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Xiamen University. Mr. Huang Liang has 15 years of management experience in automobile dealership and corporate operation.
Ms. Lu Bing, aged 36, is currently an assistant to the president of the Company. From November 2011 to November 2020, she successively served as the assistant to general manager, deputy general manager, executive deputy general manager and general manager of Fujian Huaxia Automobile City Development Co., Ltd.* (福建華廈汽車城發 展有限公司). From February 2018 to November 2020, she concurrently served as a deputy general manager of Xiamen International Motors Co., Ltd.* (廈門國貿汽車股份
有限公司) and the director of the first business division of Xiamen Xindeco ITG Automobile Group Co., Ltd.* (廈門信達國貿汽車集團股份有限公司) respectively. In
2009, Ms. Lu Bing obtained a master’s degree in Economic Laws from the School of Law of Xiamen University. Ms. Lu Bing is also an intermediate economist with nearly 10 years of experience in the field of automobile dealership and business management.
The Board would like to express its gratitude to Mr. Wang Muqing for his contribution to the Group during his tenure of office as the chairman of the Board and to Mr. Li Zhubo for his contribution to the Company during his tenure of office as the chief financial officer. The Board also expresses its warmest welcome to the appointment of Mr. Wang Ming Cheng as the chairman of the Board and to Mr. Wu Yingjie, Mr. Huang Liang and Ms. Lu Bing on their new appointment. The Board expects that Xiamen ITG Holding Group Co., Ltd, upon being the shareholder of the Company, will give its support for the Group’s better development.
- English translation or transliteration of Chinese name for identification purpose only
By order of the Board
China ZhengTong Auto Services Holdings Limited
WANG Ming Cheng
Executive Director
Hong Kong, 9 September 2021
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. WANG Ming Cheng (Chairman), Mr. WANG Muqing, Mr. WANG Kunpeng and Mr. ZENG Ting Yi as executive Directors; and Dr. WONG Tin Yau, Kelvin, Dr. CAO Tong and Ms. WONG Tan Tan as independent non-executive Directors.
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