The future Hall of Famer performed well on television as expected but he didn’t look quite the same as the last time we saw him on the field.
NEW ORLEANS — The NFL’s all-time leading passer Drew Brees made his analyst debut with NBC on Thursday night alongside Mike Tirico and Tony Dungy.
“I’m not gonna lie, I see the guys warming up behind me I feel like I should be warming up”, said Drew Brees as the show kicked off.
The future Hall of Famer performed well on television as expected but he didn’t look quite the same as the last time we saw him on the field.
It wasn’t because he wasn’t donning his black and gold number 9 jersey, it had everything to do with the top of his head.
Was it a new haircut? Maybe his first full off-season without a helmet helped with growth?
Brees made his first appearance on NBC with almost as much hair he had on his head the night he held up the Super Bowl trophy in Miami.
Twitter took notice of his new look and jokes haven’t stopped since.
“Drew Brees’ hair for NFL comeback player of the year,” ESPN’s Field Yates wrote on Twitter.
“As an openly bald man, I preferred openly balding Drew Brees. We’ve lost another one,” Twitter user Dan Kelley wrote.
Brees will appear on NBC all season for Sunday Night Football.
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