High lane Nidalee? TheShy proves he is nonetheless the 1v1 king


Life is about residing on the sting and having fun with the kill.

Simply earlier than LPL Spring 2023 paused for the Lunar New 12 months, Weibo Gaming’s Kang “TheShy” Seung-lok placed on an explosive, entertaining efficiency within the prime lane in opposition to High Esports.

After tanking on Gnar in recreation one, which resulted in a win, he selected Nidalee in recreation two to go up in opposition to Yu “Qingtian” Zi-Han’s Okay’Sante. Regardless of the unconventional decide, TheShy at all times gained every time they traded on their singles inferno prime lane island.

Nidalee, nevertheless, didn’t translate to a recreation victory. Within the recreation three decider, he picked Okay’Sante himself and nonetheless someway, someway, discovered a 1v1 edge over Qingtian’s Jax. How does this man maintain doing it?

TheShy explodes into LPL Spring 2023 with an thrilling 1v1 montage

Weibo Gaming's top laner TheShy posing with his arms crossed
Credit score: Weibo Gaming on Weibo

Within the early recreation, each Weibo Gaming and High Esports had been tied in kills and gold.

Though Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang’s Wukong was at bot, his presence was not detected. Nevertheless, since Hung “Karsa” Hao-Hsuan was additionally at bot attempting to stop WBG’s pushing bot lane from getting ganked and outnumbered, TheShy took an opportunity and went on the aggressive.

QingTian responded along with his personal aggression, activating his All Out final. Nevertheless, the third proc of Ntofo Strikes, the empowered energetic that fires a shockwave within the goal path, didn’t land.

Weaving out and in of the bush, TheShy narrowly dodged it in cougar type earlier than altering again to human type to heal up whereas potting.

Creating distance in cougar type, he baited his opponent to stroll into him earlier than ending him off with Nidalee’s burst comprising Takedown (Q) and Swipe (E).

Sadly, Weibo Gaming’s staff composition was extraordinarily mild on crowd management, so they might not acquire floor in all-out 5v5 fights at targets, and finally misplaced recreation two.

In recreation three, TheShy went again to tanking duties. Mixed with Elise, Viktor, and Lux, WBG had been higher outfitted to seek out picks.

High Esports paid him extra consideration this time, ganking prime aspect, placing TheShy down two deaths with zero kills. After mid-game rotations, he and QingTian had been clearing minions at bot. The second QingTian jumped onto him, he used Path Maker (W) and All Out (R) to push his opponent a distance again into turret vary.

Since he was enjoying a tank champion constructing tank objects, these turret pictures had been essential on this commerce. Chasing Jax down with Footwork (E), and pounding him with Ntofo Strikes (Q), each champions had been introduced all the way down to a sliver of well being.

Within the final second, TheShy used one final empowered Q to tug Jax in direction of him, disabling him for a fraction of a second, which was sufficient to deal the ultimate blow.

Ultimately, Weibo Gaming’s late-game scaling comp comprising Viktor and Caitlyn managed to out-damage High Esports, who couldn’t discover their footing in staff fights. In 31 minutes, they closed out the collection 2-1 with a 14,700 gold lead, beginning off the LPL Spring 2023 season robust.

Catch all LPL video games stay on their official Twitch channel.

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