Iran to coach Tajikistan’s electrical energy business operators


Iran to coach Tajikistan’s electrical energy business operators

AKIPRESS.COM – Iran as a strong nation in growing electrical energy networks plans to supply Tajik electrical energy business operators with experience coaching, an Iranian official mentioned, IRNA reported.

Deputy Minister of Vitality for Worldwide Affairs Mohammad-Ali Farahnakian advised IRNA that Tajikistan and Iran have reached settlement that Tajik electrical energy specialists journey to Tehran with a view to participate in academic programs on this subject.

Pointing to a current go to by Tajikistan’s Minister of the Vitality and Water Recourses Daler Juma to Tehran, the Iranian official famous that Mr. Daler Juma additionally presides Tajik aspect of the Iran-Tajikistan Joint Financial Fee, who traveled to the Islamic Republic to evaluate growth of mutual cooperation.

Iranian Minister of Oil Javad Owji and the Tajik minister reached excellent agreements to bolster collaboration in crude oil sector, Farahnakian talked about.

The deputy minister went on to say that Tajik and Iranian officers have agreed upon holding coaching programs in Tehran to get Tajik electrical energy operators acquainted with state-of-the-art know-how in Iran.

Turkey and Iran are nice producers and exporters of electrical energy in West Asia, however Tajikistan has proven curiosity to dispatch Tajik electrical energy operators to Tehran to obtain coaching, the Iranian official added.

Furthermore, Iran has not skilled blackouts for 18 years, whereas many different international locations, together with neighboring states, endure from the issue from time to time, Farahnakian mentioned, arguing that such an essential problem is among the many causes that persuaded the Tajik aspect to ship electrical energy operators to Iran for specialised coaching.

Cooperation in power sector and coaching programs for Tajik operators may help increase bilateral ties between the 2 international locations, he famous.

Tajikistan’s Minister of the Vitality and Water Recourses Daler Juma traveled to Iran final week with a view to focus on growth of collaborations and coordination with Iranian officers.

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