Tony Dungy’s newest anti-LGBTQ comment proof some actually ought to keep on with sports activities


The issue with you liberal woke sorts is that you haven’t any humorousness.

You’re piling on Tony Dungy as a result of he has been passing alongside anti-LGBTQ misinformation to his Twitter followers. Nothing worse than you over-reactors, not having the ability to take a joke!

Final week, Dungy tweeted a response to a Minnesota state lawmaker discussing whether or not to place tampons in males’s restrooms for the comfort of transgender people who use the lads’s room.

“That’s nothing,” Dungy tweeted. “Some college districts are placing litter bins within the college loos for the scholars who establish as cats. Essential to handle each scholar’s wants.”

He deleted the tweet after about seven hours, with no rationalization or apology.

Let me give everybody somewhat lesson in humor. Any time somebody says, “That’s nothing,” a phrase usually accompanied by the hooking of 1’s thumbs of their suspenders, chances are high she or he is about to ship a zingy, hilarious topper to what was simply stated.

ought to
rebuke Dungy for plagiarism, nevertheless. He stole his litter-box joke from far-right, gay-bashing on-line mythology. It’s a very talked-about “joke” in that crowd, and so hilarious that hundreds of thousands who’ve heard it declare to consider it to be true. That widespread, misguided, ignorant acceptance of hate disinformation is harmful, after all, however you gotta hand it to these people for attempting to convey somewhat laughter into this severe world.

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