Tyranny Knowledgeable Predicts Vladimir Putin’s Dire Legacy For Russia


Yale historical past professor Timothy Snyder on Tuesday steered how Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will backfire on Russia for years to return.

The globally-condemned warfare and ensuing sanctions on Russia are pushing it “nearer and nearer to China,” Snyder, an knowledgeable on fascism and authoritarianism, advised MSNBC’s Ari Melber.

And if Putin “doesn’t let up” on Ukraine, then his legacy won’t be of re-establishing Russia as a worldwide superpower however, as a substitute, of it changing into “a vassal state of China,” Snyder predicted, echoing a number of commentators in latest days.

There are “loads of folks in Russia who notice” the warfare on Ukraine is an ethical, financial and geopolitical catastrophe, mentioned the professor.

“The query is whether or not any of them has the braveness to talk the reality to Putin and whether or not he realizes in time that not simply his legacy however his energy is being undermined by what he’s doing,” he added.

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