Wonderful Spider-Man #93 Preview: Spider-Man Pointing Meme



Peter Parker and Ben Reilly come nose to nose on this preview of Wonderful Spider-Man #93, however they skip the pointing and get proper to the punching. Cannot these two Peter Parkers co-exist? Take a cue from No Approach House, fer chrissakes! Try the preview under.

Wonderful Spider-Man #93
by Zeb Wells & Patrick Gleason, cowl by Arthur Adams
THE BIG FINALE OF “BEYOND”!!! SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You might shock your self with who you are rooting for. Do not miss the conclusion to some of the shocking Spider-Tales of the previous decade.
Marvel | Marvel Universe
6.59″W x 10.19″H x 0.08″D   | 3 oz | 90 per carton
On sale Mar 30, 2022 | 56 Pages | 75960608936909311
| Rated T
75960608936909321 – AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 93 SANDOVAL VARIANT – $5.99 US
75960608936909331 – AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 93 BAGLEY VARIANT – $5.99 US

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